175 E. Lanier Avenue Fayetteville, GA 30214 | 770-461-4313

Study Groups

Posted on: September 4th, 2024

Short-Term Small Group Studies

Small group studies help us dig deeper in faith and understanding of how God moves and acts in the world. For each study, purchase the suggested book from your favorite book seller and sign up to let us know you are coming. Signing up means we are able to let you know door codes, room locations, and what you need to know to get started.

Draw Close” during Lent

The season of Lent offers an invitation to go deeper with practices to draw us closer to the Divine … literally! Join Joan Aycock in a journey through the season with Stephanie Dunn in creative spiritual practices. “Draw Close” offers a prompt each day from a scripture, word, or prayer and some ideas to explore what arises through reflective journaling, lectio divina, art, poetry … whatever outlet speaks your name each day. Contact Joan for questions and/or a brief introductory session on Sunday, March 2, at 9:30 AM in Room C-201 (Prayer Room) or Wednesday, March 5, after Lenten Lunch or after the Ash Wednesday service. Intermittent check-in sessions will be determined by the participants.

Lenten Bible Study for Caregivers

You are invited to participate in a Bible Study for Caregivers exploring Give Up Something Bad for Lent by James W. Moore.
Whether or not you have ever observed the spiritual practice of Lent, this study is less about giving up certain physical things for 40 days than it is about freeing our hearts and minds and focusing more on the Lord every day of our lives. Join Jami Maguire, Director of Special Needs Ministry at FFUMC, for this enlightening and spiritually enriching study. Please RSVP to Jami Maguire to ensure a book is available for you and register here to receive complete information about the class.
Fridays, February 28 — April 4, 9:15 – 11:00 AM, Room C270
Childcare provided on March 14
Come when you can. Come as you are. All are welcome!

Ongoing Adult Study Opportunities

See & Seek

Join in a study each week that dives deep into scripture and asks where God is showing up in our lives. For more information, contact Rev. Allyson Lawrence.

Week of February 24-March 2

Week of March 3-9

Week of March 10-16

Week of March 17-23

Week of March 24-30

Parents Bible Study Group on Wednesday Evenings

While the kids enjoy Children’s Choir on Wednesday evenings, parents are invited to join Rev. Drew West in Room C-260 from 5:30 to 6:30 PM for a discussion-based Bible study. Together, we’ll explore how our roles as parents reflect Christ’s patient and persistent love, and how we can embrace that calling with faith and joy while supporting one another. Whether you’re navigating toddler tantrums, teenage milestones, or somewhere in between, this group is for parents of all stages.

Sunday Morning Small Groups

Many small groups meet weekly on Sunday mornings from 9:45 – 10:45 AM. Explore the options and visit different groups to find the one that fits you best. Contact Rev. Allyson Lawrence at alawrence@fayettevillefirst.com with questions.

Book Club Class

Participants read a book chosen by the class and then join together in discussion for six to twelve week sessions. Contact Rev. Allyson Lawrence for session schedule.
Format: Discussion
Location: C-260

Circle of Friends

Older and senior adults who learn, live and share the Biblical lessons provided in the International Bible Series.
Format: Lecture, some discussion
Location: Room C-230

Family Class

A mix of singles and married ranging in age from the 50s to the 80s, this group concentrates on nourishing the mind and strengthening relationships through study of the Bible.
Format: Lecture with some discussion
Location: C-210

Fellowship/Discipleship Class

This group is a close and caring group of senior citizens who use the International Bible Series and contribute to the missions of Fayette Samaritans, The UM Children’s Home, Meals on Wheels, and are in service to one another.
Format: Hymns and time of prayer followed by lecture
Location: Fellowship Hall

Genesis to Revelation

Not defined by age or life situation this group seeks a stronger spiritual relationship with God and connection with one another.
Format: Teacher led with discussion
Location: C-250

Murphy-Lighthouse Class

This class of seniors studies the International Bible Series and supports church members through regular visitations and prayer.
Format: Lecture with some discussion
Location: Brides Room

Wellspring Class

This is a fun-loving group of people made up of singles, married couples, and a mixture of parents with children preschool-aged to high school. Resumes January 26
Format: Teacher facilitated discussion
Location: C-200

Table Talk: Men meeting together

A group of men meet each Thursday morning to study scripture and pray together. Call the church office for more information.

Men’s Bible Study

A Men’s Bible study, hosted by Chuck Grayson and Randy Riddell, meets Wednesday evenings. Come and join the group where men gather to read the Bible aloud and discuss at the end of each chapter—sometimes earlier! There’s no study book or homework, just honest questions and sharing of information from various commentaries and study Bible footnotes, etc. This group meets at 6:00 PM on Wednesdays in C240-250.


GriefShare is a program where caring individuals walk with others through the journey of grief. Facilitated by Carol and Bill Webb, a new 13-week session meets February 17 – May 12, 2025 . All are welcome. For more information on the program or to sign up, contact the Webbs at 404-234-1056 or visit GriefShare.org.

Children’s Growth Groups

Check out this section for our young and elementary age learners.

Youth Growth Groups

Middle and high school students have their own program options. See what’s up!