Summer Pops Concert
Enjoy the spirit of summer at our Summer Pops Concert held on Sunday, June 9.
Featuring The Chancel Choir
Savannah Cathey, Soprano
Lily Morgan, Soprano
Peyton Booth, Tenor
Michael O’Hearn, Bass
John Lawless, Timpani
Harrison Morgan, Percussion
Jane Martin, Piano
Charles Higgs, Organ
Nicholas Bowden, Conductor
Sunday, June 9th 7:00 in the sanctuary
Covered dish desert reception following in the fellowship hall
Free of charge
Seasonal Concerts
Special music is offered at Christmas. Call the church office to see what the current season holds at 770-461-4313.
To donate to the FFUMC Music Fund and help future concerts come our way, choose this giving link: https://onrealm.org/FFUMC/give/music