175 E. Lanier Avenue Fayetteville, GA 30214 | 770-461-4313


Posted on: May 13th, 2020

Fayetteville First Preschool provides a caring learning environment grounded in Christian beliefs. Using developmentally appropriate practices, we aim to help children grow spiritually, socially and physically in order to create a firm foundation for future success.

Director Maria Ruhe: preschool@fayettevillefirst.com or 770-461-4313, ext. 124.

Preschool Brochure

Registration for 2025-2026 school year is open for all on March 3, 2025 and will remain open until capacity is reached.

Complete registration online.

Use this link to pay online.

Registration packet for 2025-2026 school year

ClassesRegistration FeeMonthly PaymentAnnual Tuition
1 year old (2 day)$230$230$2,300
2 year old (3 day) $260$260$2,600
2 year old (4 day) $270$270$2,700
3 year old (4 day) $270$270$2,700
4 year old (4 day) $270$270$2,700