The United Women in Faith is organized in groups called “Circles” which meet at various times each month. Each group determines its own ministry focus while also supporting the broader goals of the entire UWF unit. Call the church office for contact information for the group leaders.
Bethany is a fun and active circle dedicated to demonstrating God’s love through supportive Christian fellowship and meaningful service projects. We support several missions including Bloom Our Youth and Promise Place. Additional service projects include honoring all who mother with flowers on Mother’s Day and participating in the FFUMC Christmas Marketplace to raise funds for various local charities. We meet at 6:00 pm either at a local restaurant or in a member’s home the third week of each month excluding June, July and August. Special seasonal outings are planned as well. Plan a visit to get to know us! All women are welcome to join. Please email Frieda Everritt, Kathy Milner or Karen Neuner for meeting dates & locations.

Ethel Taylor
Ethel Taylor Circle is a small circle of about 12 members which meets on Tuesdays 2 pm at the church in room C-230. Monthly programs are given by a member of the circle using programs from the UMW Program Book. These programs deepen our understanding of missions within the UMW. Meetings in June and January are held away from the church at local restaurants for fellowship with no program. There are no meetings during July or August so members may enjoy the summer with their own families. Ethel Taylor supports various projects that benefit women, children and youth, and we also serve homebounds with visits, cards, and gifts.

Friendship Circle is an active group of ladies who meet the 2nd Monday of each month from September through May at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our popular September Salad Luncheon and December Christmas Gathering are hosted in a member’s home, while our November meeting is usually a social outing. Our circle supports a card ministry, and our members donate to many charitable organizations throughout the community. We also support each other as needs arise and enjoy several outings throughout the year to local restaurants and places of interest. Lifelong friendships have been made as a result of being active in our appropriately named “Friendship Circle”. We welcome all women to join us!

Marie Lamb
Marie Lamb Circle is named for the wife of Pastor Jack Lamb, who served FFUMC from 1974-1978. A leader in her own right, Marie Lamb not only served as president of the UMW but also started the circle for young women in 1977. We are beginning our 46th year of service to missions! The circle meets September through May on the 1st Thursday of the month at 4 pm in room C-260. We enjoy fellowship, share our praises and prayer concerns, and often go out to dinner after our meetings. We support local, national and worldwide missions through our financial gifts. We are very supportive of each other’s personal needs. We would be honored for you to visit us and consider becoming part of our circle.

Mary Martha Hope
Mary Martha Hope Circle is a group of active ladies who meet on the 4th Thursday at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Monthly programs enlighten us on important community issues, strengthen our spiritual connection to God, work on a mission project, or just for a little entertainment. We take June and July off and a Christmas Party is held in December. We focus our main mission efforts on Heifer International Foundation and Fayette Samaritans. Visitors and new members are always welcome!