Here at Fayetteville First we have noticed a trend in the things that seem to be important in the life of this church. It seems there is a creative streak that runs through us. Have you seen it too?
We are creators of prayer shawls. We are creators of food for the homeless. We are creators of cards. We are creators of words of encouragement. We are creators of gardens. We are creators of flower arrangements. We are creators of support. We are creators of music. We are creators of relationships. We are creators of new understandings. We are creators of paths of healing. We are creators of connections. We are creators of homes. We are creators of, well, yes, even mess. We are creators.
We are creators that have been created to be creative – to have creative faith, to offer creative encouragement, and to do creative works – all in the name of the great Creator of Love.
To explore a place for your creativity, contact Rev. Allyson Lawrence,

Creative Sharing and Encouraging Words
This ministry walks alongside our prayer ministry and our card ministry, our visitor follow-up ministries and our outreach ministries to intentionally connect people to other members of the church to remind us all that we are part of God’s family. If you or someone you know might be interested, contact Rev. Allyson Lawrence,, for more information.