175 E. Lanier Avenue Fayetteville, GA 30214 | 770-461-4313

Doing the good

Posted on: February 16th, 2023

Here are a few ways Christ is alive and working at Fayetteville First UMC and in our community.

Summer Lunch Program

More than 270 lunches are packed each week during June and July to provide food security in our community for those on free or reduced lunch during the school year. Thank you for your contributions of funds, cookies, apples, and many volunteer hours!

Blood Drive

Our next American Red Cross Blood Drive is Sunday, July 14, 2024, from 8 AM to 1 PM in the gym. Sign up for a specific giving time at redcrossblood.org. Thanks for giving the gift of life!

Community Benevolence

Ongoing assistance to others in our community through benevolence funds and contributions to our local food pantry, Fayette Samaritans. During June and July, participate in the summer lunch program which provides meals to families who receive free or reduced-priced lunch during the school year.

Green Team – Everyday!

Join the efforts of this group seeking care for God’s good green earth every day! Events and initiatives are planned throughout the year. You can be part of comprehensive recycling by creating a CHaRM Train where a group of caring people gather a host of recyclables and deliver them to the Center for Hard to Recycle Materials in Atlanta on a regular basis. Get more info on this and other initiatives by emailing green@fayettevillefirst.com.

Rise Against Hunger

We packed 30,000 meals for school feeding programs and others around the world facing hunger in a FUN two-hour event in August. Save the date for this year’s event on August 18.

Get more details and information

See our e-newsletter published each Friday: The Weekender