Welcome to FFUMC KiDs … join in!
Here are some of the opportunities for your child to grow in faith and learn more about God — and of course, have lots of fun!

Vacation Bible School 2025: Road Trip
For rising PK3/4 through rising 5th graders. $10 per family. Middle School and High Schoolers are welcome to register as volunteers.
Disclaimer: This is an on-site event, we are not taking your kids on a literal road trip.
We are excited to go on a journey with Road Trip VBS this summer! Our theme is based on Joshua 1:9 – “The LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” This summer, we will discover God’s presence everywhere as we explore new places, make new friends, and experience God’s goodness together.
Join us in a fun-filled adventure on the open road, taking all the kids (Travelers) on thrilling journeys to exciting destinations. Led by the Navigator and an adventurous puppet Scout, kids will learn that God is always with them. Through engaging stories from the Navigators’ Guide (the Bible), Travelers will delve into timeless tales of faith from the Old and New Testaments. Get ready for twists, turns, and excitement as they face new challenges and find strength in God’s presence on this unforgettable trip!

Are you ready for music? We have a place for you!
Are you in Fayette County and searching for choirs for young singers? Look no further! Fayette Choirs will be at Fayetteville First UMC every Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. Our three choirs cater to different age groups and offer opportunities for growth in faith, support, and the joy of music. Join us for quality instruction, skill development, and a chance to express yourself through music. Bring your friends and neighbors along too! Let’s make beautiful music together!
Here are the ages for each choir:
Fayette Cherub Choir: 4 years old – Kindergarten with Director Anna Mayhew
Fayette Junior Choir: 1st through 3rd grade with Director Joan Aycock
Fayette Young Singers: 4th grade – Voice change with Director Nick Bowden
Childcare is available for any child under the age of 4.
While these children and youth are singing, Rev. Drew West will hold a class for parents.
At 5 pm, dinner is served in the Fellowship Building. $10 for adults, $7 per child. Reservations by Monday at 10 AM each week may be made by calling the church office or emailing admin@fayettevillefirst.com. You pay at the door. The food comes from a variety of different restaurants throughout the year. You can also bring your dinner and eat with other families if that is easier for you!

Ongoing Faith Development Opportunities
Sunday School is from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m.
Our Sunday morning curriculum is designed to introduce our children to the Biblical story, usually the same one discussed in worship that day. As they learn the stories of God’s love during this one hour class they will also learn many important tenants of our faith.
- Pre-K4 through 1st and 2nd Grades will meet in room B-225 with Ms. Faye Livingston.
- 3rd – 5th Grades will meet in room B-215 with Ms. Nancy Ricciardi.
- Parents – We have lots of adult discipleship classes you could choose from if you would like a focused small group discussion. Contact Rev. Allyson Lawrence to learn more.
- Please register your child with their teacher when you drop him/her off. You will be given a unique code that you will need to have with you (or your ID) when you pick them up.
Worship at 11:00 AM in the Sanctuary

This family friendly service offers experiential activity books to engage your child as they participate in worship. We have a special children’s moment time during the service that all children are invited to join. Following the children’s moment, children 4 years old through 2nd grade are invited to attend our Wonders of Worship.
- Wonders of Worship – This special time allows children to explore all the aspects of worship with crafts, music, and games. They will learn about worship elements such as the affirmation of faith, the call to worship, the sacraments and more. After the 11:00 worship concludes, you will find your child in the same rooms as they had for Sunday school.
Messy Church
Join us for a fresh expression of church each month – It’s called Messy Church! Kids of all ages from really young to senior adults gather for games, worship, music, crafts, a meal … and for FUN! Follow this upcoming schedule, grab a friend and join in!
April 13: Palm Sunday Messy church and Easter Egg Hunt at 11 AM and following
June 28: Water Day Messy Church at 11 AM
July 26: Back to School Party from 3 to 5 PM

How can we help?
Just let us know how we can be of service and help. Contact Rev. Drew West, Assistant Minister of Families and Children. He is here for you!
Rev. Drew West, Assistant Minister of Families and Children
Parents, to be added to the FFUMC Children and Family Ministry email list or if you have any questions, please contact Rev. Drew West, Assistant Minister of Families and Children, dwest@fayettevillefirst.com.